How to get top talent

How to get top talent

Recruitment Solution

Getting top talent to look at your job offer

Filling positions isn’t the same as it was ten years ago or even last year, for that matter! With the unemployment rate holding steady at 3.7% over the past three months, filling positions is getting more complicated as the available workforce dries up. Anyone who WANTS to be employed is already working.

Let’s face it, finding and RETAINING talent is tough! What if there was a way to target and attract top talent from the competition? What if you could put an ad for YOUR job offer in front of someone who is already doing the job for the competition? You would be targeting someone who can already do the job. They’re reliable because they’re at work now and if you have a better offer, you have an opportunity to get them to come apply for your job!

People spend more of their day staring into their smart phones. Most people carry their phones on them all the time. Those who don’t, because of work rules, “check in” at lunch or during breaks to see what’s going on! There isn’t a better place to put your ad for YOUR JOB OFFER in front of a potential candidate than on their smart phone.

recruitment solutions

We’re able to target competing businesses where people are doing similar jobs. We put an invisible “geo-fence” around the building and parking lot of each competitor in your area. When their employees arrive for work and drive into the parking lot, we ping their smart phones. Then, for the next THIRTY DAYS, we deliver banner impressions (banner ads) to these people. They don’t need to download, install or scan anything. We deliver impressions on websites they’re already going to and in apps they already use.

The BEST part is we’re able to TRACK your success! When a potential candidate walks into your office, we can see WHERE they were targeted and show you how many of these people actually walk into your office! It’s a way to hold our feet to the fire!

If you’re a recruiter and would like to learn more about this cutting edge technology, I am offering a FREE training seminar / demo on September 27th at 1PM EST. You can register to attend by clicking here!

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